State Rep. Ann Bollin this week took a significant step toward restoring trust in Michigan’s state government by introducing a plan to curb legislative actions during the often contentious “lame duck” period following elections.
Bollin’s proposal, known as House Joint Resolution Q, seeks to amend the Michigan Constitution to mandate a two-thirds majority vote to pass legislation during the lame duck period, which occurs after Election Day in even-numbered years. By requiring this higher threshold for legislative action, Bollin aims to elevate transparency and accountability in the state’s political processes.
“For too long, the lame duck period has been exploited, eroding the confidence of Michigan residents in their elected officials,” said Bollin, R-Brighton Township. “It’s time to put an end to these political games and prioritize the needs and concerns of the people we are elected to represent.”
While Bollin’s plan would prevent last-minute, partisan deals during lame duck sessions, it will still allow meaningful and responsible public policy changes to advance by requiring a two-thirds majority vote to pass.
“As elected leaders, it is our duty to uphold the trust placed in us by the people we serve,” Bollin said. “Raising the standard for ethics and accountability in government is long overdue. We can demonstrate our commitment to listening to the concerns of Michigan families and enacting policies that truly benefit our communities.”
Ethics reform and transparency measures have been longstanding priorities for Bollin. During her first year as a state representative, Bollin co-sponsored legislation to subject legislators and the governor to FOIA laws – an effort that was derailed by the pandemic.
In 2021, she helped shepherd a comprehensive ethics reform plan through the House that would have also expanded sunshine laws to the Legislature and governor, closed the “revolving door” of legislators and department heads quickly becoming lobbyists; expanded penalties for lobbyist gift violations; and expanded penalties for legislative misconduct. Much to her disappointment, the legislation stalled in the Senate.
Bollin’s latest proposal, HJR Q, was referred to the House Government Operations Committee for consideration. If it gains support from two-thirds of legislators in both the House and Senate, it will be placed on the ballot for a vote by the people of Michigan.

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